When my younger brother (3/4) graduated, we got him a Blaze as a gift. At the time, cost-to-spec wise, it was among those with the best value. It was all good and well until one day, the phone can no longer connect to the Play Store… which is practically the essence of an Android device. I had though that doing a hard reset would clear up the matter but alas it didn’t; So for a good two weeks he was running with it without a phonebook (because its in the accessible cloud at the time) and less communication portals without Viber.
After some research and downloading the complete set of files that are required, I was ready to flash the device with a fresh firmware which should have no issues whatsoever. When I finally sat down with it, I had to install PDANet because once again the drivers were not being accepted… having been driven, I readied the flashing program – straightforward enough, and ran it.
It was waiting for something… I’m sure the device was on ADB mode already and that there was no problem with the connection… so what was it?.. One of the instructions talked about removing and replacing the battery which I assumed was to be done after the data had been transferred into the phone… but it wasn’t… this was the time, during the waiting moment… you pull the battery off and then reconnect it and THAT sprung the flashing program to life!!! Data was transferred to the device and after a longer-than-usual start screen – a newly flashed Jellybean Blaze came out.
It was a surprisingly different method which, in retrospect, bears some similarity to other processes where this restart command is sent automatically to the device which kills and brings it into a “download state”. Pretty soon my brother was once again completing the Dark Ages expansion for the PvZ2 game now re-equipped with a phonebook and everything else that Android has to offer.
So much for bringing it to the service center for an upgrade eh!
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