Branding News Purchasing

OPlus Brand Presence

While there hasn’t been much excitement in the IT commercial shelves of late, one particular brand seems to be charging headstrong into the local market.

X10_0160 O+ or OPlus USA is being carried by both Games and Gadgets as well as mobile distribution giant Memoxpress. You can see above their biggest tablet offering which shares pretty much all the dimensionalities of the iPad but with an Android core.

The brand has quite a uniqe way of naming their products with numbers and you can see more of it in their website

Based on the photo above and the indicated price, it isnt attempting to position itself at the entry level spectrum… only time will show us if this one holds out in this Samsung dominated market.

About the author

Mark O.

Mark is an architect and artist who endeavors to design most anything that requires a little bit of thought into it.

Although writing is not considered a primary focus, a little too much time can yield many thoughts that are just begging to be written down.

Armed with a trusty array of content creation devices and surrounded with a continuous flux of technology and life, herein lies those that are fortunate enough to have been given presence through a little bit of movement and a whole lot of iterations.


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