One thing fairly consistent about notebooks and their contemporaries is the poor audio channeling. Sometimes even known brand names (yes thats you Altec Lansing and Harman Kardon) and various forms of ‘surround sound’ fail to deliver the quality that you’d expect from high bitrate files and audio encodes.
Lots of manufacturers have embraced a new generation of portable speaker design that latches itself onto the top part of the lcd/led screen, borrowing the technique used by webcams back in the day whence they were not integrated within the frame of the screen.
While the ‘hamburger’ type of speakers remain the undisputed leader in portability, these lengthy types have a distinct advantage when it comes to deliniation of the left and right stereo signal.
Ranging at around 2,500Php and thereabouts, a pretty good selection is currently available out in the market. Personally im looking at the Logitech one but the overall design, while adaptable to all notebooks, looks to be more suited to 14 inchers and up.
Ill properly review that if and when I get my hands on one.
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